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EOE - Ambulance Hub

Plot 1520, Land East of Suffolk Business Park, Rougham Tower Avenue, Rougham, Suffolk

Scope of Work

A new Operational Centre for the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust. Design & Construction of a New Ambulance Hub which will comprise of a stand-alone, part single-storey, part two-storey framed building including internal garage areas, workshop, and wash bays as well as fitted-out offices, training rooms and ancillary accommodation together with external works, external stores and an emergency vehicle canopy. The Total GIA Area is 2905m² There is a requirement for approximately 469m² of the building to be constructed to a shell-only standard and the overall building design should incorporate sufficient structural and M&E Services capacity to adequately enable a future office fitout of the second floor to a similar layout and specification as the first-floor accommodation.


Brick, Groundwork, Drainage, Carpentry

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